4 Interior design networking tips you should know

We give you some tips to get known that it is always good to know at the beginning of your career.

As an owner of an interior design business (Freelance) or an employee for an already established interior design business there are many benefits;

  •       High average salary
  •       Creative pursuit
  •       Satisfaction of artistic desires
  •       Set own hours
  •       Choose projects you love

As a business owner or employee offering design services, business growth and success are difficult to achieve and require a lot of work. Interior design networking is incredibly important. Recognition of the products and services you will be offering and presenting these to potential clients in a variety of formats and on different platforms is vital for business growth and success.

How to network as an interior designer 

How to harness the power of Social Media
Social media has become one of the most powerful marketing tools in recent years. A social media handle is almost the modern day business card. It is a quick and easy way to show off the products and services you offer. Posting regular job updates, finished projects and general design based content for free on these platforms is how to network. As in interior designer events such as design competitions and magazine entries can also be entered on social media platforms to further aid business growth and exposure. Understanding how to network using social media and the popular influencers using the platform is not only networking but a great way to secure business growth.

Word of mouth recommendations on social media travel incredibly quickly (viral content for example). Aligning your interior design business with an influencer that has a large presence on a platform such as; 

  •       Pinterest
  •       Instagram
  •       TikTok
  •       Facebook
  •       Twitter

These platforms can help to expand the products and services you offer to even more potential clients, vital for business growth. People trust the influencer and their brand and follow the content they produce and share. Offering your design services to an influencer for free or at a discounted rate in return for sharing the finished product will;

  •       Drive traffic to your Interior design business
  •       Increases your social media following
  •       Sell the products and services you offer
  •       Provide new potential clients
  •       Lead to business growth.

This is how to network as an interior designer on free platforms.

The importance of networking events

Networking events are a great way to meet other business owners offering different products and design services as well as potential paying clients. Developing relationships in the industry is an ongoing challenge as a business owner. The most import contacts to develop at networking events for an interior design business are;

  •       Store Partnerships
  •       Manufactures
  •       Suppliers
  •       Commercial Developers
  •       Real estate
  •       Potential clients
  •       Tradespeople (Decorators, Carpenters, Electricians etc)

In order to maximise the products and services you can offer as an interior design business and ensure business growth networking is vital. Using business cards to spread brand awareness and expand potential contacts is key at networking events. The potential to gain clients through recommendation by tradespeople or manufactures and suppliers is very common in the design industry. Furthermore an understanding of the quality of work that people within the industry can provide  will ensure smooth delivery of projects for your clients. This is how to network as an interior designer.

How to effectively use Business Cards

Business cards should be a continuation of your branding it is important to consider;

  •       The logo (the largest part of the business card)
  •       Simplicity
  •       Easily readable
  •       Essential information (Phone number, social media handle, email)
  •       One or two colours (catch the attention)

Logos should be used throughout portfolios, social media, products and services and watermarks and provide an insight in to the interior design business. The card itself should represent your brand identity. If you are offering green credential products and services consider making the business cards from recycled material. To effectively get your business cards around the industry you should consider;

  •       Giving people within the industry multiple business cards so they can be passed on
  •       Include a card in all written correspondence to potential clients
  •       Include a card with all physical copies of design service work
  •       Carry cards with you at all times
  •       Leave cards at retailers and with contacts made in the industry through networking.

Business growth through Business Coaching

Networking events, harnessing social media, using business cards and harnessing and developing relationships with potential clients are great ways to ensure business growth and success. It is important, however, that the products and services that the interior design business is offering are maximized, concise and clear in terms of brand vision. It is important that the interior design business has a set of brand values and a style that can be recognized. Business coaching ensures that the business will;

  •       Have an actionable business plan to ensure business growth
  •       Have clear brand values
  •       Accountability
  •       Organisation and brand ethics

These aspects are vital to ensure longevity for an interior design business. Making sure that the products and design services are always in keeping with the business values, the work is completed within the brand style and each job fits the plan for future business success is a great way to ensure the business remains successful. As a business owner your brand identity Is everything. Not diluting this and remaining respected in the design industry is a great way to ensure that potential clients instantly recognize your work and that you can proudly present your products and services at networking events.

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