Visit the interior decoration of your favorite TV characters

How u doin’? Since the show ended in 2004, everyone has been asking the same question: Is a Friends reunion coming to TV? Our wishes have been granted with the special episode Friends: the Reunion, released in May 2021. After knowing famous Rachel and Monica’s appartment on TV, let’s discover it in 3D with HomeByMe. We are sure you will find some secrets you still don’t know.
While designing this apartment in HomeByMe, we obviously couldn’t stop arguing about the best bits of the show! So we decided to share 3 of our favorites moments! It’s like we never were on a break!
But obviously, so many other episodes were awesome and have left a mark on a us! Don’t hesitate to share your favorite episodes with us on our Facebook page!
PS: My personal favorite episode: The one where Brad Pitt hates Rachel!
Like many of you, our HomeByMe team was a big fan of HIMYM. We’ve been feeling nostalgic since the show ended in April with the revelation of how Ted met his wife. Since then Ted’s apartment has turned into a desperately empty place. Just look at it :
Don’t you feel sad at looking at that empty room? Personally we do. We wanted this apartment to live again, because that’s where Robin, Ted, Lily, Marshall and Barney met and lived every day for 9 years. Thus, we decided to bring it back to life. It’s a good way to say goodbye to one of the most loved group of friends on TV!
The apartment is currently decorated as it was when Ted, Lily and Marshall lived there, but feel free to redecorate it by copying the project in HomeByMe.
As for us we actually designed Ted’s apartment in 2 simple steps :
First of all we downloaded Ted’s floorplan designed by artist Inaki Aliste Lizarralde and built the walls following the lines drawn on the plan. That’s something very easy to do. If you want to do it with your own house, just download your floor plan in HomeByMe, then set it properly to the right scale and begin building the walls.
Here is the original 2D plan :
Plan 2D original.
The plan appears in transparency to help you put furniture in the right places :
We looked at many episodes of HIMYM (honestly this was a very nice task) in order to recreate the atmosphere and the design of the flat. Actually, we realized Ted had always lived in a big mess! Thanks to the very large choice of accessories available in HomeByMe we managed to recreate that mess quite well 🙂
Here’s a view of the living room with Lily reading on the couch.
Do you like it ? We had a lot of fun recreating Ted’s apartment, and we hope you’ll enjoy visiting it directly on our website thanks to the WebGL option. Don’t hesitate to share it with your friends on Facebook , and to follow us on Instagram.
Have fun taking a 3D walk in the flat ! Embody Ted Mosby and become an architect, for the first time! After all, Barney clearly said it : architects are hot.