Minimalist decor ideas

Find inspiration from minimalist images to start your project.
Minimalism is resolutely modern and uncluttered and pushes simplicity to the limit. A limited color palette, smooth surfaces and the priority given to space are the key words of this style. For more minimalist decorating ideas, browse our Inspiration page and imagine your interior!

The minimalist style focuses on the essential and the functional. The superfluous is not invited into your home and the decorative objects are discrete, even eclipsed, in favor of light and space. The palettes of white and cream are limited, without giving an impression of monochrome. The furniture takes its main place and puts its materials in the first white: stone, marble, porcelain. The lines are direct, without arabesque or frills to leave only the functional.

For decoration, opt for the subtle or for the unique: a piece of contemporary or abstract art will dress up your room and will be sufficient in itself. For furniture, prefer simple but large sofas to fancy and colorful ones. Bookcases and shelves are floating, to dress the walls in a functional way.

Need some minimalist decorating ideas? Browse our inspiring Décor magazine!

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